About The Author

Having found myself in transition several times, I have learned a lot about dealing with the hardship of finding yourself behind the eight ball. Not only the problem of finding a new position, but also the financial difficulties and personal struggles we face during this time. In this blog I will share the knowledge and experiences I gained from not only being in transition, but also as an instructor for both the Professional Services Group in Dover and the Professional Support Group of Morris Cty. I hope this information helps you on your journey in transition. Good luck!!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Gotta Do Whatcha Gotta Do

Ok, so while I was cleaning toilets this week at work (yes, you read that right), I came up with this weeks blog entry. Supposedly the recession is over, yet people are STILL having trouble finding decent jobs. Notice I say "decent". When I mean "decent", I mean jobs that will pay the bills, give them benefits, and maybe leave a little bit after to take the kids to Wallyworld. We talk about people having a Plan A, Plan B, etc, but what happens when those plans aren't working and you lose unemployment benefits?

So let's go back to why I am cleaning toilets. A while back a buddy of mine quoted Caddyshack..."the world needs ditch diggers". I was pretty offended by that, because I was very good at QA Testing, and I have been trying very hard to find an opportunity in my field. But what he meant was..."You gotta do whatcha gotta do". That is exactly what I am doing now. Last season I was lucky enough to land a contract position doing clean up for Superstorm Sandy at Spruce Run Rec Area. Part of our job was maintaining the grounds, which includes cleaning the restrooms. Not the most glamorous position, but it pays. This season I have been invited back as a crew chief for another 6 month contract. Once again, I will be cleaning toilets. Interestingly enough, this is not the first time I have taken a job that required me to clean bathrooms. The money is still the same color.

While speaking to several people at different networking meetings, I noticed this philosophy rings true in many ears. People have taken jobs at Shop Rite, Lowes, and Home Depot to make ends meet. These were all successful white collar professionals who have been screwed by the recession and crappy economy. But instead of rolling over into the fetal position with their thumbs in their mouths, they are being proactive and doing something. It may not be glamorous, but it pays.

Keep in mind that the food on your table doesn't taste any better or worse depending on the job that paid for it. The bill collectors don't give a crap where the money comes from. So you may have to put away the pride for awhile and get a job you are thrilled about, but in the end you will feel better that you did.

Good luck with your job search!!!

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